Wednesday, 12 January 2011

“Grunt, Grrrr, Dunno, Fine, Duh!, Get off my Back!” Engaging Kids in Meaningful Conversation

Talking to kids, sometimes as young as 9 years old, can feel like talking to a brick wall. It can be really frustrating for parents. At one time you knew everything that was going on in their little worlds and now their lives outside your home feels like a complete mystery! You miss the kid that your kid used to be. Here are some ideas on how to get them back:
When you are at a loss for what to say or what you are saying isn’t working:
Instead of…
“How was your day?”
“What was the best part about your day?”
Instead of…
“What’s wrong?”
“You look upset. I am here if you want to talk.”
Instead of…
“I wish you would ask for help.”
“If there is anything I can do to help you with your problem, homework, issue, etc…just let me know. I’ll drop everything to help
To build self esteem:
“I really liked the way…”
To show interest in their lives
What was the best part of your day?
To encourage strategic and realistic thinking
“What’s your plan?”
“What worked last time?”
To Encourage reflective thinking:
“If you could do it again, how would you do it differently?”
Print this out and keep it with you….as your parent cheat sheet!